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Loirak Development - History of Programming

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The History of Programming

  • The Early Years
    • 1946 - Konrad Zuse (german) develops Plankalk�l (first programming language)
    • 1949 - Short Code, first computer language for electronic computing device
    • 1951 - Grace Hopper first widely known compiler A-0 (aka MATH-MATIC)
    • 1952 - Alick E. Glennie develop Autocode
    • 1957 - FORTRAN (FORmula TRANslating system) is developed
    • 1958 - Original ALGOL (ALGOrithm Language) specification appears
    • 1958 - John McCarthy begins work on LISP (LISt Processing)
    • 1959 - COBOL (Common Business Oriented Language) appears
  • The Sixties & Seventies
    • 1962 - Kenneth Iverson documents APL (A Programming Language)
    • 1962 - First Video Game, Space War from MIT
    • 1964 - BASIC (Beginners All-Purpose Instruction Code) from Dartmouth U
    • 1964 - PL/1 is released
    • 1968 - Niklaus Wirth begins work on Pascal. Cobol defined by ANSI
    • 1970 - Work on Prolog begins
    • 1970 - Xerox PARC starts Smalltalk. Pascal implementation appears
    • 1972 - Dennis Ritchie produces C
    • 1975 - Bill Gates & Paul Allen write and sell version BASIC to MITS
  • Contemporary Programming
    • 1980 - Bjarne Stroustrup develops C with Classes, forerunner of C++
    • 1983 - Ada appears, termed after Augusta Ada (Babbages analytical engine)
    • 1986 - C++ appears
    • 1989 - ANSI C specification is published
    • 1991 - Visual Basic appears
    • 1995 - Ada is revised to Ada 95, includes OOP and real-time features
    • 1995 - Java is released
    • 1997 - ANSI C++ draft standard
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